Thursday 29 March 2018

Top 5 Tips on How to Become a Digital Nomad

Over the past few years, the phrase “digital nomad” has slowly gained popularity; it’s almost a household name. While their lifestyles may vary from person to person, digital nomads do have a few things in common. One of them is that they travel a lot, and the fact that they work remotely doesn’t hinder them.

Yes, they may have a few differences in terms of their lifestyles, but the most successful digital nomads agree to one fact – that there are a few important preparatory steps to follow in order to get there. Here are a few tips on how to become a digital nomad.

Tips to Become Digital Nomad

1. Be Sure You Can Handle the Lifestyle

The first important step or tool you need to become a digital nomad is to ensure you can cope with the lifestyle. While traveling and working remotely may sound like a dream for some, there is a strong element of loneliness to the lifestyle.

In addition to some level of loneliness, a digital nomad’s way of life can be sort of unstable. This could mean one huge thing: It’s not a life for everyone. Before getting into it, be sure you can cope with the lifestyle.

2. Get Advice from Well Decorated DNs

Well, DN may not be the official short form for Digital Nomads; I came up with the acronym just now. If you’re going to become a successful one, you will need all the advice you can get.

Conduct some research online, ask around, and get social with one or two notable players in this industry. Consider joining one of the plenty digital nomad forums online as they can be helpful when it comes to personal and professional advice as well as establishing connections.

3. Ensure You Can Work Remotely

Another important characteristic digital nomads share is their ability to work remotely. Historically, nomads are groups of people who are constantly on the move.

If you guessed right, the only difference between traditional nomads and digital nomads is the modern technology. If you’re interested in becoming a digital nomad, you need to be able to work remotely, without supervision.

To achieve success in this kind of employment environment, being a self-motivator is crucial. It’s easy to get sidetracked when you’re in a new place and a completely flexible work schedule. You may also want to consider switching careers in case your current profession doesn’t allow you to work remotely.

4. Pilot Study – Try Working from Home

Many gurus in the game suggest working from home for some time first before going fully in. If your job allows you to work remotely, take a week and work remotely for about a week and see how it goes.

In most cases, you’ll need a laptop, internet connectivity, and certain software depending on your line of work. If you have to buy a laptop or other work-related tech equipment, consider getting stuff that you can use while on the go in future to save on cost.

There are plenty of resources online on choosing the best travel-friendly items. Check out this post by The Broke Backpacker in case you need some helpful information on choosing the best travel laptop.

5. Plan Well and Adapt Early

Planning is another highly important tool you need to become a digital nomad and excel at it. A journey requires proper preparation if at all you’re to get to your destination, right?

Prepare yourself financially, mentally, and perhaps physically. Before making the big decision to become a digital nomad, many suggest saving at least three month’s income.

Additionally, being able to budget along the way is important. Mental preparation includes getting familiar with the challenges you’re likely to face.

For instance, you can spend quite a lot of time away from home, your family and friends. Also, Business can be slow in certain months and busy in others.

Most digital nomads are able to adapt well to various circumstances and situations. As a matter of fact, their job and lifestyle kind of requires them to. Take the time to prepare before you begin your journey and make sure you can adapt to situations.


A big deal of potential digital nomads finds the lifestyle quite challenging. For others, excelling at the trade is almost a nightmare.

For those with a strong desire and the necessary skills, however, becoming a digital nomad can be easy, possibly a dream come true to some.

Use the above several tips and you might just become the next Mike Elgan, Chris Brogan and other award-winning digital nomads out there.

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